Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcome to my saxophone reeds blog!

Welcome to my blog about saxophone reeds. You might be wondering, what the heck? Why is this dude writing a blog about this? Well, I love playing sax, and have been playing for over 15 years. I hope to share some of my experiences and knowledge about this topic, and eventually create a community where others can share their experiences as well. I have played tenor and alto sax with tenor being my favorite.

I have met many new players over the years, and one on the biggest questions I run into is the following: What type of reed should I get? Well, that's not an easy answer, as it depends on the experience level and type of play. Reeds are also very expensive, so trying many types can be cost prohibitive. Unfortunately, there is currently a lack of information on the Internet about this topic. I've made this site to provide quality information and reviews for saxophone players of all types and skill levels. I'll do my best to make it simple and easy to follow. I'll incorporate content for both the novice and expert musician. Let's get started!

Here is a list of topics I plan on covering this month:
  • An overview of type types, and why reed selection is important.
  • Choosing a reed - which brand?
  • Saxophone reed strength.
  • How to condition a reed.

Eventually, I'm going to post reviews and other sources of useful information. Please feel free to post questions and comments. I might branch out to other topics as well, but we'll see. Let me know if there is a certain saxophone reed topic you would like covered.

That's all for today!

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